Rockschool Female Vocal G5

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  • Availability: In Stock
  • SKU: : 978191097504
  • Type:: Music Books
  • Brand:: cristoforimusic


The Vocals Grade 5 book will teach you more advanced melody-focused singing techniques, including melismas, slides, trills and scoops. The focus on microphone technique will help you bring it all together in your exam What you'll learn at Grade 5 Two-part backing vocals, melismas, scoops, harmonising in 3rds, improvisation and development, tonal control through the registers The Minor Pentatonic scale and a major ascending arpeggio with dominant 7 descent covering a range of a 10th Large major intervals, diction, articulation and microphone technique Vocals Grade 5 features: Six Performance Pieces, six styles of rock and pop Fact Files: background information on each style with recommended listening Walkthroughs: hints and tips on the tricky sections of the Performance Pieces CD with full mixes and backing tracks World-class musicians, top-flight production Plot your stylistic specialism up through the grades